To begin, login to SCRM with your username and password. Your username is your email address, and your initial password is assigned by the system. If you forget your password, you can reset it by clicking the reset password link.

After login, every user will arrive on their landing page. The landing page consists of the various modules contained within the Supply Chain Risk Management Application. Only those applications that you have permission to access will be active, those that are not will be grayed out. We want to access the First Article Inspection Application. To do so we left click on the button titled “First Article Inspection”.

As in the prior menu, only those items you have permission to access will be active. There are several sub menus and actions you can access in the FAI menu. You can “Log Out”, Return to the previous menu, access; “Setup Administration”, “Supplier Management”, “Customer Management”, “FAI Planning” and the “FAI Status Home” page. For the purposes of this training guide, we’ll access the “FAI Status Home” page by left clicking on the button.

After clicking FAI Status home, you will land on the First Article Inspection Status page. Here you can determine the status of all the FAIs your company and your suppliers have in-work or finished. To create a new First Article Inspection report, left click on the button “Create New FAI”.

After selecting the Create New FAI button on the FAI Status Page, the Create FAI Page appears. To create a new FAI, enter the Part Number, Part Name and Serial Number (if none enter N/A).

Select the customer for the New FAI from the dropdown box of preloaded customers.

Select any suppliers involved with the new FAI from the pre-populated dropdown list of suppliers.

After all five fields have been populated, left click the “Create” button to initiate your FAI.

The FAI Application will create an FAI with the same form structure as AS9102. The default mode will be the “Review” mode. The FAI is now ready to begin entering requirements. The FAI number is displayed in the top left corner. Left Click the “Back to Status Page” button to confirm your FAI is in the System.

Confirm your FAI has been added to the status board. You can now left click on the FAI number to return to that FAI. To logout, click on “FAI” in the Blue Ribbon Header.

Now you can left click on “Log Out” to leave the session.