How to Login and Adjust User Preferences

Welcome to the Verify Supply Chain Risk Management Application, we call it SCRM for short. In this user guide we will discuss the First Article Inspection Application. Chapter one will show you how to login, as well as access and change user adjustable preferences.

To begin, login to SCRM with your user name and password. Your user name is your email address and your initial password is assigned by the system. Before you can access SCRM, you will receive an email from the system with your login credentials. If you forget your password, you can click on the RESET PASSWORD link on the login page to get a new password.

How to Login and Adjust User Preferences

After login, every user will arrive on their landing page. The landing page consists of the various modules contained within the Supply Chain Risk Management Application. Only those applications that you have permission to access will be active, those that are not will be grayed out. For this tutorial, we want to access the First Article Inspection Application. To do so, we left click on the button titled “First Article Inspection”.

How to Login and Adjust User Preferences

As in the prior menu, only those items you have permission to access will be active. There are several sub menus and actions you can access in the FAI menu. You can “Log Out”, Return to the previous menu, access; “Setup Administration”, Supplier Management”, “Customer Management”, “FAI Planning” and the “FAI Status Home”. For the purposes of this user guide, we’ll access FAIs by left clicking on the button “FAI Status home”.

How to Login and Adjust User Preferences

The FAI Status page is the hub for all FAI activity. From here you can see the in-work and approval status of your FAIs, as well as aging between steps, significant dates and search various parameters. You can download an excel spread sheet of the status page or your search results. You can also access additional menu items such as customer and supplier information, as well as administrative access (if you have those permissions). We are interested in user preferences, so we will left click on the “My Preferences” link.

How to Login and Adjust User Preferences

The “My Preferences” link will take you to your user settings. Throughout SCRM, a field that is light blue is editable, a field that is gray is not. So, on this screen you can edit anything and everything you want except your username, which is your email address by clicking the edit button. It is recommended that you change your password as soon as possible after receiving the system assigned password. You can add an additional email address for notices and contact information, such as phone numbers, text, messenger, and other social media platforms. You can also set your date format preference within the system.

How to Login and Adjust User Preferences

After entering your changes, left click on the green “Save Changes” button to finalize your changes. When you are finished, you can log out, or return to one of the previous menus.

How to Login and Adjust User Preferences